
Powierzchnia użytkowo-mieszkalna. Jak obliczyć PUM działki?

Usable and residential area. How to calculate the PUM of a plot?

Usable and residential area (PUM) is a value that very precisely determines the actual area of a house or apartment. Check what is included in PUM, what it is and how to calculate it.

Budynek biurowy – na co zwrócić uwagę planując inwestycję?

Office building – what to pay attention to when planning an investment?

Investing in an office building requires a well-thought-out strategy and knowledge of key legal and technical aspects. Choosing the right location, adapting the facility to the needs of tenants and meeting the requirements for space and work comfort are key factors that affect the success of the project.

Nowy podatek od nieruchomości – jakie zmiany w 2025 roku?

New property tax – what changes in 2025?

On January 1, 2025, changes to the property tax came into force. The regulations will now be simpler and more precise. The changes to the property tax are important for property owners, entrepreneurs and future investors. They affect, among other things, the classification of real estate, tax rates and deadlines for filing declarations. Check what the property tax looks like in 2025.

Hotel w przepisach – jest budynkiem usługowym, użyteczności publicznej czy zamieszkania zbiorowego?

Hotel in the regulations – is it a service building, a public utility building or a collective residence?

How can a hotel building be classified? Is it a service building, a collective housing building, or a public utility building? Check out the regulations that will help you better understand the hotel industry.

Rynek nieruchomości 2024 – krótkie podsumowanie

Real Estate Market 2024 – A Brief Summary

The real estate industry has changed dynamically in the past year, which has affected housing prices and the number of units sold. See what happened on the real estate market in 2024.

Warunki zabudowy – ile się na nie czeka i czy można je zmienić?

Development conditions – how long do you have to wait for them and can they be changed?

Do you want to build a house or other facility, but the plot you are considering does not have a local spatial development plan? You must apply for a decision on the development parameters of the given area. Check what this document is, how long you have to wait for it and whether it is possible to change the development conditions?

Orange Real Estate is a database where you can find several hundred advertisements for commercial and residential properties for sale. In addition, you can use a sizeable database of various types of space for rent. These include warehousing, service and retail space and office space. A blog is also available, where you will find useful information.

How to buy real estate? Take advice from our blog

If you are planning to buy a property, the Orange Property blog is the place to start your search. Before you start browsing the adverts, take a look at the articles on our blog. Thanks to them, you will organise your existing knowledge and supplement it with additional information. On the blog, you will find posts that cover both commercial and residential properties. Once you have decided that you want to invest in a property, browse through the advertisements for properties for sale and offers for rent.

Property investment - what can you find on the blog?

Entries on the Orange Property blog are divided into three main categories:

In the Advice and Law category, you will find articles that more or less touch on legal topics or relate to general advice that may be useful when looking for property. It is in this section that you will read, among other things, about what a business premises is and learn about the details of the Real Estate Re-activation conference. Lifestyle is dominated by lifestyle topics. You will read there, for example, about why it makes sense to move your business to the province. The last section, Real Estate and Investment Market, is a collection of articles on real estate in different parts of Poland. It is in this category that you will find a guide to the commercial property market in Poland.

Property information on the Orange Property blog

Our blog contains a variety of content, related to real estate. The content covers all stages of the purchase: from the search for the perfect deal to buying and managing. What real estate information can you look for on our blog?

  • Advice for potential buyers or landlords
  • General articles on the property market
  • Advice on investing in property
  • Legal advice
  • Information on current trends (design, renovation, etc.)
  • Information on industry events

This is a useful source of information for anyone interested in investing in real estate.

Legal advice and more on the Orange Property blog

On the Orange Real Estate blog, you can expect a variety of topics: from advice and lifestyle articles to legal and investment advice. Examples of articles from our blog include:

  • Plots for sale by the sea
  • Property prices in Poznań
  • Business premises - what is it?
  • Why move your business to the province? Business ideas in the countryside and in the city
  • Commercial real estate market - a guide

Browse our blog now to explore the world of real estate!