Offer description

Location by the provincial road. For sale is the right of perpetual usufruct of developed land, geodetic marked as plots of land with registration numbers 4/2 and 4/4 with a total area of 385 818 m 2 . The total usable area of the buildings is 3,153.4 m 2 .

1) A free-standing gatehouse - area - 15.00 m 2
2) Building A - technical building - area - 2 961.70 m 2
3) Building B - warehouse - area - 79.50 m 2
4) Building D - pumping station - area - 97.20 m 2


  • 1.5 km - the city center
  • 2.3 km - national road No. 51
  • 75 km - Elbląg
  • 130 km - Gdańsk

Planning conditions

Plot for activities including: service.

According to the provisions of the applicable Local Development Plan, plot no. 4/4 is a service development area - adapted with the possibility of further expansion, plot no. 4/2 is special areas - adapted, does not require the establishment of a protection zone and BEE - the area of the main electricity supply point.


Sales assumptions

Warunkiem sprzedaży jest ustanowienie bezterminowo i bezpłatnie ograniczonych praw rzeczowych dostępu do infrastruktury telekomunikacyjnej pozostającej w obrębie nieruchomości, dotyczy:

The condition for the sale of real estate is the establishment of a Limited Property Law for the technical infrastructure relating to:

  • of the area of 321.34 m 2 in the ground, on the principle of transmission easement


Additional information

It is possible to select a bidder in advance and sell the property before the end of the promotion.

These materials do not constitute an offer within the meaning of the provisions Of the Civil Code, or any part of such an offer or any other the contract. All information contained in the materials is provided in good faith, however, cannot be considered as representations or assurances as to any circumstances.
