Offer description

Office building in Włocławek.

The property includes:

  • Office and technical building with an area of 1,652.75 m 2
  • Shelter with an area of 112.50 m 2
  • Basement adjacent to the building – area 420.86 m2

The buildings with a total area of 2,186 m2 are located on a large plot of 5,745 m2 .

The office and technical building was built in 1991 and is located in the central part of the plot. It consists of a traditional, brick structure. It is a detached building with 2 above-ground storeys with a basement. Access to the interior via 3 entrances. The shelter is a ground-floor building that is used for storage purposes. The basement is located along the longer border of the plot, perpendicular to the office and technical building, to which it is connected by a connector.

The plot has a relatively regular shape and a flat terrain configuration. It is fenced, tidy and constitutes a developed area. At the back of the building there is a parking lot for approx. 20 cars.


  • 100 m - church
  • 350 m - retail and service outlets
  • 700 - Casimir the Great Avenue - DK62
  • 1.5 km - large-scale stores

Planning conditions

According to the Study of the Conditions and Directions of Spatial Development, the real estate is located in the area of MW - housing with predominantly multi-family housing .


Possible use of the property

According to the provisions of the Study and estimates of Orange Polska SA, it is possible to expand the building to 5 above-ground storeys and expand the usable area by 3,500 m 2 .

Orange Polska SA stipulates that the real property data specified in this offer, specifying its investment potential, in particular with regard to the given PUM / PUU values, constitute an estimate of Orange Polska SA and may differ from the actual values. Due to the above, these data do not constitute a binding element of the offer.

Sales assumptions

The condition of the sale is the establishment of indefinite limited property rights in favor of Orange Polska on the basis of:

  • use of rooms with a total area of 450.66 m 2
  • easements for the transmission of telecommunications networks in the ground with a total area of 421.08 m 2 and on the ground of 79.02 m 2
  • transmission easements on facades with an area of 26.73 m 2
  • transmission easement on a roof with an area of 3.5 m 2

Providing access to areas covered by limited property rights for technical services 7 days/24 hours and providing 1 parking space for parking the technical services' car and, if necessary, entry of special vehicles. Providing access to the toilet.

The current power connection remains the property of Orange Polska. After purchase, the buyer is obliged to build his own power connection.

After the sale, within 6 months, Orange Polska will allocate 6 employees and technical warehouses from the building.

The property is partially rented - there are 2 lease agreements for an indefinite period with a maximum notice period of 3 months.

These materials do not constitute an offer within the meaning of the provisions Of the Civil Code, or any part of such an offer or any other the contract. All information contained in the materials is provided in good faith, however, cannot be considered as representations or assurances as to any circumstances.
