Offer description

A partially modernized office building in the center.

For sale:
- right of perpetual usufruct of plots of land no. 128/4 and 128/6 with a total area of 0.1461 ha;
- ownership right to an office and technical building with a usable area of 852.70 m 2 ;
- ownership of buildings.
Plot No. 128/6 is developed with an office and technical building. Plot No. 128/4 is undeveloped (lawn) and has access to a public road.
Utilities: electrical, water, sewage, heating and telephone installations. The property area on the east, north and north-west sides is fenced with a wire mesh fence with steel frames on a concrete foundation.


  • 100 m - Polkowice Commune Office
  • 200 m - S3 express road
  • 300 m - DW331
  • 400 m - Aquapark Polkowice
  • 400 m - bus stop
  • 1 km - City Stadium in Polkowice

Planning conditions

Office building to be converted into apartments in the city center.

In accordance with the provisions of the applicable local spatial development plan approved by RESOLUTION NO./LX/656/23, the subject OPL property is located in the area marked with the symbol:

3P.5.MC. - residential and service development and service development



Possible use of the property

The property is attractive, located in the city center, with good access to communication routes, near the provincial road No. 331 and the S3 expressway. Possible increase in the usable area of approx. 900 m 2 for service buildings.

Orange Polska SA stipulates that the real property data specified in this offer, specifying its investment potential, in particular with regard to the given PUM / PUU values, constitute an estimate of Orange Polska SA and may differ from the actual values. Due to the above, these data do not constitute a binding element of the offer.

Sales assumptions

The condition of the sale is the establishment of indefinite limited property rights of access to the telecommunications infrastructure remaining within the property, i.e.:
- use of premises with a total area of 226.4 m2 ; including basement 128.80 m2 , ground floor 87.60 m2
- free easement for transmission of telecommunications networks running in the ground, 117.49 m2
- land use, 2.72 m 2
- transmission easements on the façade, 53.47 m 2
- transmission easements on walls and ceilings, 13.9 m 2


These materials do not constitute an offer within the meaning of the provisions Of the Civil Code, or any part of such an offer or any other the contract. All information contained in the materials is provided in good faith, however, cannot be considered as representations or assurances as to any circumstances.
