Offer description

A service and commercial building with an exhibition facing the street.

The parcel of land, plot no. 612, is developed with a residential and utility building. The restaurant is located on the ground floor and has a room belonging to the basement accessible directly from the premises. Entrances to the premises are possible both from the street and from the back of the building from the side of the market. In the basement of the building, there are rooms currently used by Orange Polska SA.


  • 50 m - a large discount grocery store and the City Market
  • 250 m - railway station and bus station
  • 300 m - City Hall
  • 9 km - Świdnica
  • 50 km - Wrocław

Planning conditions

In accordance with RESOLUTION NO. XLI/24/18 OF THE MUNICIPAL COUNCIL IN JAWORZYNA ŚLĄSKA of 17 April 2018 on the adoption of the local spatial development plan for the city of Jaworzyna Śląska, the real estate in question is located in the area designated in the local spatial development plan as:

10.MW/U - area of multi-family housing development, services.





Sales assumptions

The condition of the sale is the establishment of indefinite and limited property rights to the telecommunications infrastructure remaining within the property, i.e .:
• use of rooms with a total area of 98.83 m²,
• free transmission easement of telecommunication networks running in the ground. The estimated area of the teletechnical infrastructure in the ground is 20.48 m 2 .
The sale of the premises will take place only when the co-owners of the land perpetual consent to the encumbrance of the land with transmission easement in favor of the Telecommunications Operator, i.e. Companies from the Orange Group.

These materials do not constitute an offer within the meaning of the provisions Of the Civil Code, or any part of such an offer or any other the contract. All information contained in the materials is provided in good faith, however, cannot be considered as representations or assurances as to any circumstances.