Planning conditions

In accordance with the local spatial development plan, approved by Resolution No. XLVI/346/23 of the City Council in Lubin of 7 July 2023, the property is located in the zone marked with the symbol 9MW-U - an area of multi-family housing development or services


Offer description

Office building on a large plot a few hundred meters from the very center of the city.

For sale a large plot of land with an office building, a free-standing two- and three-story building with a basement. The area of the building is 1161 m 2 . The building from 1994, built in the traditional technology as a brick with small-size wall elements. There is also a garage and a technical building on the plot.

The property is located on the second line of buildings with no direct access to a public road.


  • retail and service points
  • network of banks
  • municipal office
  • kindergarten
  • multi-family housing development


Sales assumptions

The condition of the sale is the establishment of limited property rights to access the telecommunications infrastructure remaining within the property, regarding:

  • area of 448.86 m 2 in buildings, on a usufruct basis
  • area of 147.14 m 2 in the ground, on the basis of transmission easement
  • area 3.84 m 2 on the basis of transmission easement
  • area 83.1 m 2 on the façade, on the principle of transmission easement
  • area 41 m 2 on the roof, on the basis of transmission easement


Additional information

The need to establish the possibility of free entry to the property, free and unlimited access to technical rooms in the office and technical building, and technical infrastructure in the ground for OPL employees and OPL technical partners.

These materials do not constitute an offer within the meaning of the provisions Of the Civil Code, or any part of such an offer or any other the contract. All information contained in the materials is provided in good faith, however, cannot be considered as representations or assurances as to any circumstances.
