Offer description

A large plot of land 5 km from Słupsk.

For sale is the right of perpetual usufruct of an undeveloped plot of land with the registration number 305 and an area of 7909 m². The plot is a wasteland, partly wooded and bushy, with an irregular shape. It has access to a paved road - ul. Railway. The property is not fenced and the Słupsk border has not been resumed. The plot is not equipped with any utilities.


  • 200 m - provincial road No. 213
  • 250 m - bus stop
  • 5 km - Słupsk
  • 18 km - the Baltic Sea

Planning conditions

Resolution No. IV / 49/2019 of the Słupsk Commune Council of 24 January on the local spatial development plan for some areas in Siemianice, according to which plot 305 in Siemianice, with an area of 7,909 m², located in the area marked as 56 MNU - single-family residential development areas with services.



Sales assumptions

The condition for the sale is the establishment of limited property rights to access the telecommunications infrastructure remaining within the property:

  • area of 94.6 m 2 in the ground, on the basis of transmission easement

The land is a long-term unfenced wasteland, therefore there may be waste and pollution deposited by third parties in and on the ground. The property is being sold with a defect in its existing condition. The buyer should conduct a soil test before purchasing to be aware of the costs of their possible disposal.

These materials do not constitute an offer within the meaning of the provisions Of the Civil Code, or any part of such an offer or any other the contract. All information contained in the materials is provided in good faith, however, cannot be considered as representations or assurances as to any circumstances.
