Offer description

Office building 500 m from the Market Square.

For sale is the right of perpetual usufruct of real estate developed with an office, technical and residential building with an area of 2,089 m² , located in Siewierz, at ul. Wojska Polskiego 1. The property consists of one developed plot no. 2902/7 with an area of 2,089 m² , has an irregular shape - in the shape of the letter "L", is fenced, the topography does not show significant changes in elevation elevations.
Office building with a cubature of 1,400 m3 with a PU volume of 347 m² (building with 2 above-ground storeys, basement. Constructed in traditional technology). Technical building with a cubature of 185 m3 and PU 65 m² (building with 1 above-ground floor, without a basement, free-standing) Device: cable shelter with PU 108m² and cubature of 300m3.
The remaining development of the property includes: internal access road lined with trilin, hardening the square with concrete cubes.


  • 200 m - bus stop
  • 400 m - City and Commune Office
  • 450 m - a large grocery discount
  • 500 m - national road No. 91, Rynek
  • 40 km - Częstochowa

Planning conditions

The real estate is located in the area of shaped production and service buildings.


Sales assumptions

The condition of the sale is the establishment of indefinitely limited property rights to access the telecommunications infrastructure remaining within the real estate, applies to:
1) an area of 59.96 m 2 in an office and technical building on a usufruct basis
2) in the ground with an area of 105.9 m 2 on the basis of transmission easement
3) on the façade with an area of 6.14 m 2 on the basis of transmission easement.

These materials do not constitute an offer within the meaning of the provisions Of the Civil Code, or any part of such an offer or any other the contract. All information contained in the materials is provided in good faith, however, cannot be considered as representations or assurances as to any circumstances.
