Planning conditions
According to the Resolution of the City Council of Ruda Śląska of 22/03/2018 (Resolution No. PR.0007.59.2018) on the local spatial development plan for the city of Ruda Śląska, the real estate is located in the area marked 33MWI - multi-family residential development areas .
- Supplementary intended use: service development with the exception of facilities related to the operation of vehicles, bases, warehouses, and those significantly affecting the environment. As a supplementary purpose, it is allowed to expand the service premises existing on the date of the adoption of the plan in the field of retail services, crafts, healthcare, as well as offices on the ground floors of residential buildings.
Offer description
Residential building in Ruda Śląska.
For sale is the perpetual usufruct right to a plot of land marked with the geodetic number 1132/177 with an area of 365 m² , developed with a building constituting an object of ownership separate from the land.
A technical and residential building with an area of 796.90 m², three-storey, with a basement of a traditional structure, brick, equipped with electrical, water and sewage, telecommunications, central heating and gas installations.
- 150 m - bus stop
- 250 m - tram stop
- 500 m - city center
- 550 m - City Hall
- 2 km - national road No. 902
- 12 km - Katowice