Offer description

For sale is the perpetual usufruct right to plots with registration numbers: 403/1, 403/2 with a total area of 961 m² and the ownership right to:

- a technical building with a usable area of 237.05 m² located on plot no. 403/1,
- an office and technical building with a usable area of 734 m² located on plot no. 403/2,
- a garage facility with an area of 30.86 m² located on plot no. 403/2.

Office and technical building - the facility was made in the traditional brick technology, 2-storey with an attic, fully with a basement.

Technical building - the facility was made in a traditional brick technology, two-storey, without a basement, with a flat, hipped roof covered with tar paper.

Garage facility - the facility was made in traditional brick technology, 1-story, without a basement, with a hipped roof covered with steel tiles.


  • 100 m - Market Square
  • 200 m - Pomeranian Dukes' Castle
  • 700 km - Darłowo railway station and bus station
  • 3 km - Beach in Darłówek
  • 45 km - Koszalin

Planning conditions

In accordance with the provisions of the local development plan approved by Resolution No. VIII/79/07 of the Darłowo City Council of 19 June 2007, the property is located in the area marked with the symbol:

  • A11 U - Service development areas.




Sales assumptions

Warunkiem sprzedaży jest ustanowienie ograniczonych praw rzeczowych dostępu do infrastruktury telekomunikacyjnej pozostającej w obrębie nieruchomości, dotyczy:

  • powierzchni 137,46 m² w budynku technicznym posadowionym na działce nr 403/1 na zasadzie bezterminowego prawa użytkowania;
  • powierzchni 79,9 m² w gruncie na zasadzie służebności przesyłu
  • powierzchni 0,10 m² na gruncie na zasadzie użytkowania
  • powierzchni 9,75 m² na elewacji na zasadzie użytkowania

These materials do not constitute an offer within the meaning of the provisions Of the Civil Code, or any part of such an offer or any other the contract. All information contained in the materials is provided in good faith, however, cannot be considered as representations or assurances as to any circumstances.
