Offer description

Budynek pod usługi z parkingiem tylko 500 m od Rynku.

A property with a very good exposure from the side of Karol Miarka Street, in the first line of buildings. There is an office and technical building and a garage on the premises. The first one-storey building, with a basement, with an area of 707 m 2 , located with its gable in relation to the street. Inside, there is a large room with an area of 116 m 2 for any arrangement and several office, storage and social rooms. There are 3 entrances: the first from ul. Karola Miarka, the second side and the third, main one from the parking lot.

Garage building with an area of 86.50 m 2 , one-story, without a basement for 2 cars.

There is a parking lot for 8 cars on the premises of the property.

The plot on which the property is located is fenced and has an irregular shape similar to a rectangle. The area is 2070 m 2 . The area outside the buildings is partially paved and the rest is covered with grass.

The advantage of the property is its convenient location, access and parking. The property is perfect for services, e.g. for a fitness club.


  • 270 m - International Center of Ceramics, Orka Water Park
  • 500 m - Ceramics Museum in Bolesławiec
  • 650 m - provincial road 363
  • 800 m - railway station
  • 48 km - Legnica
  • 55 km - Jelenia Góra


Planning conditions

Building for services near the Market Square.

According to the local spatial development plan for the city of Bolesławiec - for the right-bank part of the city, limited from the south and east by the administrative borders of the city of Bolesławiec, from the north by the national road No. 4, from the west by the Bóbr River, adopted by the City Council of Bolesławiec with the Resolution No. On March 14, 2007 (Journal of Laws of the Lower Silesia Province of May 22, 2007 No. 120, item 1607), the property is located in the area marked with the symbol AU 254 - Basic use - services .


Possible use of the property

The property is situated on a multi-family housing estate with full access to a wide range of retail and service, educational and health services. The advantage is also a large parking lot located within the property. Due to the favorable functional layout, the property has the potential to conduct various activities, including it can be transformed into offices or a local shopping center (discount). According to estimates by Orange Polska, an increase in space by approx. 260 m 2 is possible .

Orange Polska SA stipulates that the real property data specified in this offer, specifying its investment potential, in particular with regard to the given PUM / PUU values, constitute an estimate of Orange Polska SA and may differ from the actual values. Due to the above, these data do not constitute a binding element of the offer.

Sales assumptions

The condition of the sale is the establishment of indefinite limited property rights of access to the telecommunications infrastructure remaining within the property, i.e.:

  • use of premises with a total area of 179.14 m 2
  • land use with a total area of 0.2 m 2
  • land transmission easements with a total area of 95.22 m 2
  • elevation transmission easements with a total area of 63.90 m 2
  • roof transmission easements with a total area of 11.02 m 2
  • free easement for transmission of telecommunications networks running in the ground


These materials do not constitute an offer within the meaning of the provisions Of the Civil Code, or any part of such an offer or any other the contract. All information contained in the materials is provided in good faith, however, cannot be considered as representations or assurances as to any circumstances.
